Thursday, February 9, 2012

One mean koala

Forgot to add this to the interview..So I'll post it here.. Hope you digz.


  1. Nice readin' your interview, man. Congrats again and keep up the good work.

  2. Hey man, didn't realize you had an interview till I browsed your blog. Then I thought, "must be on character design blogspot"...your officially big time now! :)

    Enjoyed reading the interview. I'll see you at the end credits (and have fun in class too).

  3. Really nice design! Btw, nice interview and great artwork attached to the article. Cheers!

  4. Hey Man, Congratulations on the interview! Thats really awesome, huge news. It was a really great read! Glad you figured the side link thing out hahahaha..awesome koala too by the way

  5. I just read your interview on the character design blogspot and I love your work! Please keep putting up such awesome inspiring stuff!

  6. Thanks Toon, I will.
    I wish you could be in the class with me Chris, I only hope to get to you level when I'm through with the class.
    Thanks Vince, means a lot.
    Thanks Dan, yeah it was a bit tricky, but I got it. Hope all is well.
    Thanks Daniel, you can count on it.

  7. Way to go Gio!!!! Nice read on the character design blog buddy!!!

  8. Lovely work you got here, some awesome stuff in your portfolio! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  9. This koala character makes me laugh as looking at his sneaky eyes! awesome work!^^
